Storytelling: Editorial and Branded Content

Over the years, our creative team has brought some of our favorite stories to life through editorial and conceptual animated and film series. As a lead storyteller on the team, I was responsible for always asking the “what if,” pitching various series, and building strong relationships with hosts and guests around the world. Some of these projects were shot specifically for that piece of content, while many others were pulled from thousands of hours of footage and repackaged for a new concept.

10,000 hosts from around the world attended Airbnb Open 2016, an annual event to celebrate hospitality. We made these two short films to celebrate our favorite stories at the Awards Show on the final night of the festival.

I directed the following six mini-docs for category launches over the course of 2018 and 2019.

We worked with Data Science to scour 100 million reviews for the best stories. Here are two of the short films we made for the Based on a True Review series.

Here are few of the short social films we made for Airbnb Experiences in 2018 and 2019.

Impact: 50M+ views

Team: Adam Hobbs, Christian Baker, Yara Khakbaz, Alex Anderson, Chris Lynch, Aly Pullman, Jessica Hägg, Marguerite Carter, Dillon Petrillo, and many more.